Happy Father’s Day!!
Let us here at CJ Chiropractic thank all of you dad’s out there that make such a big difference in your family and in your community! You are the leaders and have a huge impact in your speres of influence. Our world needs strong men to lead in love and show up day after day. Here are some tips in making sure your cup is full, so you can overflow your energy and leadership onto others!
Band of Brothers!
From my own experience (Dr. Chris Eddy speaking here), men are much more likely to operate on an island. Life takes hold with your work, your marriage, raising children, hobbies, and it can feel like there is no time to invest in a brotherhood relationship. You have lots to worry about and taking time for yourself to have other men relationships seems low priority.
We put this as the number one tip in making sure you take care of yourself for a reason. Iron sharpens iron. If you don’t have a system of support outside of your home, your knife is going to get dull and your going to loose motivation, steam, and joy in the things you are thankful for. Other men will keep you focused on your vision for yourself, your family, and hold you accountable. They can be there on your low days and remind you to lead with kindness and keep your eye on your morals when things get tough instead of falling into temptation. And they can be there to help celebrate with you when life is good! Which makes accomplishments that more meaningful!
So find yourself men companions/friends that you yourself would like to be like. That hold the qualities listed above. If you have men that do not support you in the direction you are trying to go in your life, dump em’! Or mentor them…
2. Invest in Your Physical Health
Testosterone as a population is decreasing with each generation. Gen Z and Millennials have significantly lower testosterone than the generation before us. There are several reasons for this but in our opinion, modern life has become too physically comfortable. Being physically lazy is extremely easy! Add in mental stresses, less connection in the community (social stress), and easily accessible not good for you food; you have to be intentional and have a PLAN to stay on top of your physical well-being. Make time to workout, say no to indulging in foods that aren’t good for you, and seek help when needed.
We see a lot of father’s in our clinic that have physical goals to have more energy, keep up with their kids, and to just feel like a man! Stresses of life can build up and be stored in your nervous system. This stuck stress can mess with metabolic functions, gut health, weight management, mental health, and immune system struggles. Chiropractic is a holistic in-side-out approach of making sure your body is ABLE to work as it is intended making your efforts on the rest of you physical health plan work to the fullest! It’s kind of like increasing the interest rate of return of your health efforts.
It is amazing how just by getting your physical health corrected how much more powerful you will feel and many of the struggles in your life self-correct. Don’t neglect this one man!
3. List Out Your Priorities
If you are like me, as a man I feel successful when I am achieving goals or standing by the kind of man I want to be, in the interests that I hold important. We have a lot of voices in our head of what success looks like. Depending in what phase of life we are in will allow what is considered successful to be achievable, and other times not so much.
Ask yourself, what phase of life am I in? What is important to me in this phase of life, and where do I want to be in 5 years from now. That answer may be different from year to year. Your goals will be very different when you have small children vs. school age, vs. grown children. So drown out the noise and choose what success looks like for you! Maybe its to be very present and available when your children are young. Maybe it’s an example of hard work and love for your family and to bring your children into that. Maybe it’s mentoring, traveling, or strengthening your marriage (this should always be a goal in my opinion).
The power of getting your priories in alignment with what you want your life to look like, is it reduces stress! I remember that when my wife (Dr. Jenna) and I were in the process of adopting our second son, I was stressing a LOT as we did not have the capacity to save for a house or retirement or anything really! However, as soon as I set my priorities for the phase of life I was, I knew that in the next 2-3 years, our family goal was to bring our son home. This was liberating as I could poor into my wife, my first born, and into my patients and didn’t stress so much about financial goals, or where I am in my career. It was more important for me to be available to my family and completing our adoption than what the “text book” success formula that I was raised with.
So whatever you have in mind as a version of success. Ask yourself, is this really what I want? Or is it what I think I should want. Get your vision and priorities (God, wife, kids, work, community, exc.) set for you, and then live in that! You will have a since of fulfillment, have more joy, and love yourself and your family more!
4. Go Golfing
This is the usual thing people think of when it’s fathers day. Go for it! Clear your head, breath in the fresh air, and feel loved on! You deserve it! You do so much for your family and we all appreciate you!
I hope you enjoyed our Father’s Day tips for enjoying your life all year round! Here at CJ Chiropractic we are committed to loving on families here in the Colorado Springs area. If you feel like you are not hitting your goals, not loving your family the way you would like to, or just not feeling like yourself; it could be due to some limitation or stuck pattern in your body. Here at CJ Chiropractic we take a holistic/functional medicine/chiropractic route to finding the source of dysfunction holding you back from your health/life goals. If you want to embark on a health journey and radically change your life in the positive direction, get into our doctors and have a conversation of what that looks like today! Want to know more about our services click here and here!