CJ Chiropractic

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Our Approach with Spectrum Children. Chiropractic’s role in ADHD, OCD, Anxiety, Depression, and Autism.

Being a parent of a child who struggles with spectrum or sensory processing disorder/sensory disorder can be frustrating and challenging. Many moms and dads are met with multiple doctor’s visit, and for many the best they have to hope for is to get a diagnosis that helps them get insurance coverage for their child, medications that don’t work very well or no medications are indicated, and to swallow the reality that life will be different for your child. This leaves many parents to turn into advocate warriors for their children and to look towards other sources of help outside of traditional western medicine. Luckily, it is well known that therapies such as physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, nutritional therapy and rehab medicine are starting to fill in the gaps in this ever-expanding issue. There is one more intervention that helps reconnect our children’s nervous system at a very deep level. That is pediatric chiropractic. If you haven’t already, see our sensory processing disorder page here where we explain the neurology behind sensory process and spectrum disorders in detail in relation to chiropractic.

  1. Neuro-Scans

    Neuro-scans are a big part of our evaluation for all of our patients but is extremely helpful in evaluating a child with sensory-processing or spectrum conditions. They are a non-intrusive exam and gives our doctors a ton of data in how their nervous system is functioning and how to help! There are 3 different tests that we perform in our office.

2. Chiropractic

Chiropractic adjustments are our bread and butter! There are many ways to practice chiropractic such as sports chiropractic, more of a physical therapist view, personal injury, and many more. All of these types of practices are great! We specialize in a foundation of neurological chiropractic. This specialty training allows us to apply the chiropractic adjustment for the purposes of improving neurological function. This is what excites our doctors, and we enjoy seeing patients’ health change in ways that you would expect to in a functional medicine setting but doing so from a functional neurological standpoint. This includes sensory processing disorders, spectrum disorders, anxiety and depression patients which is one of our highest passion patients.

Take a look at our technique page to see the type of chiropractic adjustments we deliver in our office. You see they are all safe, effective, and gentile. If you feel that your child’s nervous system is wound up (or if you feel like your nervous system is wound up), the chiropractic adjustment is one of the most potent relaxing stimulants for your child’s nervous system.

3. Nutrition

Primitive Reflexes

4. Follow-up and Refer When Needed

Health is a journey and sometimes a marathon. Our society is trained to believe that if you can get a diagnosis then you can do “x” treatment and see almost immediate effects. As we have come to learn, this is far from the truth. The innovation of western medicine is awe inspiring, that in extreme cases, pharmaceuticals can drastically change the symptomatic expression of a dis-ease process. This has saved many lives as many diseases can kill or permanently injure the body due to its drastic response to the dis-ease process. However, rarely do pharmaceuticals treat or fix anything. It’s the patient’s body that heals, and pharmaceuticals can be a tool to keep an overreaction process at bay until the body gains momentum in the healing process.

True healing, fixing the root cause of dis-ease, is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight, and this is apparent with children struggling with sensory processing disorder or spectrum disorders. As of right now, there are few options in western medicine for spectrum disorders and sensory processing disorders. This leaves parents frustrated and why you are reading a blog on a chiropractor’s website about your child’s struggles. Take heart! There is hope for your child. These struggles can be improved, and your child can live a good, full filling life. It is our mission to help children and their families thrive and we are honored to help children with these struggles as it makes a huge impact in your family. With the approach we use in our office, our hope is to be able to guide parents in decision making and do the most impactful thing for your child, have the perfect referral when indicated and at the right time. Your child’s journey is a marathon, and we know that.

Thank you for visiting us and reading our 4th blog. If you have any questions for our chiropractors here at CJ Chiropractic, please feel free to call us at 719-445-0806 or to fill out our contact us page and we will get back to you. Check out our other blogs below!