CJ Chiropractic

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Tips on a healthy Gut and Immune System!

For these reasons we wanted to give you our top tips to ensure that you have a healthy gut and immune system!

1.       Eat whole foods at least 75-80% of the time!

2.       Movement/Exercise

Have you ever had a workout of your life!  You feel spent in the best way possible and then in about 20 minutes time, its time to take a trip to the bathroom.  Movement is the number one nutrient of the body! It stimulates our mind, helps our metabolism at the cellular level, and it promotes motility in our colon.  Having a good digestive system depends on getting the stuff that we don’t want to absorb and use as nutrients in our body is to get it out!  If unwanted waste doesn’t move, then it can wreak havoc on our digestive system and therefore our immune system.  This waste if not pooped out in a timely manner is toxic to the body.  It will increase inflammation in the area, can cause leaky gut, and our body has to gear up its immune system response to deal with this type of stress.  Movement helps because our body engages in the sympathetic nervous system (energy, fight/flight) during exercise; then when we are done we get a shift in the parasympathetic nervous system (which is the rest, digest/poop, social emotional side).  This increase in parasympathetic tone stimulates the smooth muscle in our colon to contract and push things along!

Cardio is one of the best exercises for this but you can do yoga, Pilates, cross-fit, swimming, rock climbing, hiking, or weight training.  Any exercise that gets the body moving dynamically, raises your heart rate up a bit, and uses multiple muscle groups.  Bicep curls are cool but this alone doesn’t count for this purpose. 😊

3.       Chiropractic!

We hope you found our 3rd blog interesting and helpful!  Check your pantry, get moving, and seek out a good chiropractor to improve your gut and immune system health today!  Also, we are aware that probiotics/pre-biotics, parasite cleanses, and detoxes are important in cases as well and can help guide those decisions as well! 


Reach our Colorado Springs, CO chiropractic office to get more information, we would love for CJ Chiropractic to be apart of your health journey!